We know you have questions so we have tried to answer them the easiest way possible for you below. If you have other questions, feel free to ask us and we'll add them to our FAQ list below. At the bottom of this post is our contact information.
What is HCG?
Dr. A.T.W. Simeons, a specialist in obesity and weight regulation, introduced a program that has helped many people overcome weight loss resistance. The program utilizes a natural hormone that is produced during pregnancy called Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG). Dr. Simeons’ theory is that HCG causes the hypothalamus area of the brain to trigger a release of abnormal fat stores. When administered in relatively small doses and coupled with a very low calorie diet, people routinely lose 1 to 2 pounds per day.HCG has helped thousands of people lose those stubborn pounds. In addition to weight loss, many patients who have completed the HCG program also experienced many other health benefits, including a drop in cholesterol, blood pressure, and blood sugar.
How does HCG cause weight loss?
The HCG diet is based on utilizing the amazing fat mobilizing properties of HCG. This hormone is naturally produced in a woman’s body when she is pregnant. HCG has many functions and is used medically to treat a variety of conditions. HCG is the pregnancy hormone that almost completely controls metabolic functions. The HCG hormone causes the body to mobilize fat and use it as energy for both mother and fetus. This action is especially important during times of starvation or very low calorie diets. It serves as a “fail-safe” mechanism when energy is needed immediately. During pregnancy, this function is utilized by the woman’s body to preserve the pregnancy. For weight loss, we use only minute amounts of HCG to capitalize on this same mechanism. Using HCG in this way does NOT “mimic” pregnancy. However, it “tricks” your mind into changing its metabolism which helps burn the fat. HCG is safe for both adult men and women. Distinct ways HCG plus the Very Low Calorie Diet (VLCDiet) works: 1) HCG causes your hypothalamus to mobilize the fat out of the abnormal fat storage locations so that it’s available for use. The very low calorie diet of 500 calories a day triggers your hypothalamus to change your body’s metabolism so it continually releases the stored nutrients in the abnormal fat stored in your body. Because of this, your body is actually operating on thousands of calories a day, through the breakdown of abnormal fat. The result is your body uses these thousands of calories of fat from your abnormal fat stores and you lose weight. This is the reason why HCG users lose 1 to 2 pounds of fat or more, per day. 2) HCG maintains a normal basal metabolic rate. This is your resting energy needs. If one does not maintain intake of calories to equal your BMR, your body goes into conservation mode; it wants to conserve the calories stored in your body because it does not know when you’re going to feed it. HCG makes sure you don’t go into this slower metabolism mode so you continue to feel good while on the program.

Are there benefits of HCG for obesity treatment?
Yes. The majority of clients report feelings of greater energy, better moods, balanced emotions, better sleep, clearer skin, fewer cravings, and more throughout the HCG treatment period. They do not report irritability or weakness. It has also been reported to relieve and often clear symptoms of diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, etc. Also, they notice a decrease in the size of their body circumferences. Not to mention, clothing starts to get loose and a very important remodeling of body contour is observed (due to the fact that HCG along with the diet decreases abnormal body fat better than any other obesity treatment).
Will the low calorie diet slow my metabolism down?
Normally when we cut back our calories and eat a very low calorie diet, our bodies tend to preserve fat and nutrient stores. Our hypothalamus sees that there are not many calories in our blood so it makes our metabolism slow down. Our body wants to conserve the fat because fat is really a life-saving source of stored energy. When HCG is utilized with a very low calorie diet, the hormone causes the hypothalamus to signal the body to mobilize the calories out of the abnormal fat storage locations. HCG then uses these stored calories for energy to fuel our daily actions. The excess or abnormal fat reserves are reduced causing you lose weight. In fact, your body is actually operating on thousands of calories a day which causes you to lose 1 to 2 pounds of fat per day without feeling hungry.

Can I change the diet as long as I stick to the 500 Calories?
NO! You must stick with Dr. Simeons protocol as described in his manuscript, “Pounds and Inches: A New Approach to Obesity”, where he outlines a special 500-calorie-per-day diet that was tested on thousands of patients. This protocol has been shown to be successful only as directed. The unique combination of the HCG plus a very strict 500 calorie specific food consumption plan has been shown to work while other regimens have not. The exact foods used cause specific chemical reactions in the body and with the HCG activate the hypothalamus into mobilizing the secure abnormal fat reserves causing dramatic weight loss without the loss of muscle or structural fat. It is of the utmost importance to strictly follow the original protocol for this to successfully work! Taking HCG alone (without the diet) will not cause you to lose weight. HCG takes effect when you reduce your food intake so that the mobilized fat will be used for your body’s energy needs. If you fail to follow the diet you will fail to lose weight. If you only follow the diet without taking HCG, you are simply starving yourself because there is no fat in the bloodstream to burn. Simply put, both are required. Dr. Simeons of Rome, Italy, who created the diet, found that any variance away from these guidelines resulted in less success at losing weight. Thus, we only recommend strict adherence to the guidelines of the diet.
Why can't I just go on a 500 calorie diet without HCG Total Fat Loss?
In order to answer this question you need to understand how the body stores and uses fat. Dr. Simeons identified three separate fat stores: Normal fat: This type of fat can be likened to a checking account from which the body can easily draw energy or deposit it as needed. Normal fat doesn’t take a lot of effort to lose. Structural fat: Pads the various organs, protects the arteries and cushions the bony prominences. You don’t ever want to lose this fat. It is vital to your health and well being. Yet, on the typical “starvation” diet, this is the fat you lose when the normal fat is depleted. Abnormal fat: This is much like a bank safe deposit box, where fat is stored and basically locked away. This fat is very difficult to lose via exercise and calorie restriction, but with the help of HCG the body readily pulls fat from these “last resort” fat stores. Bottom line: If you go on a 500-calorie diet without HCG, the body uses the normal fat and then starts to use the structural fat and muscle. Losing your structural fat and muscle tissue can adversely affect your health and well-being. In addition, “starvation” diets without HCG can cause you to be excessively hungry, which is typically not true for those using HCG drops on Dr.Simeons’ special 500-calorie schedule. This is not just a VLCD (very-low-calorie-diet).
Will I experience hunger?
On HCG, the vast majority of our customers indicate they were either not hungry (unlike other diets where they were starving), or they felt in control and surprisingly little hunger and had plenty of energy. That aligns perfectly with Dr. Simeons’ theories about the fat-releasing properties of HCG; in essence, HCG is helping you get the majority of energy and calories from stored fat instead of only food in your stomach. Everyone is different — and some report mild hunger in the first week as their body adjusts — but it has become very clear that the Healthy HCG diet plan is something very special, something out of the ordinary. It is most definitely NOT just a “500-calorie diet”. In addition, the HCG diet starts with a “gorging” phase, which helps load the body with calories to use during transition into the low-calorie phase. People who faithfully follow the protocol as outlined by Dr. Simeons in our materials, and stick to it will see fantastic results. We encourage you to TRY it (we have a money-back guarantee) and see for yourself.
How will I know for sure that I'm burning fat and not just losing muscle?
With the HCG protocol you will notice your body being reshaped and the flabby areas disappearing quickly. However, you can test your urine with KETOSTIX and ALBUSTIX to prove to yourself that it’s fat that’s being lost and not muscle.
What foods am I allowed to eat?
The HCG diet is balanced, unlike many extreme “fad” diets out there. It consists of a healthy variety of protein, vegetables and fruit, with a small amount of starch. You eat them in specific portions and combinations as outlined by Dr. Simeons. With your program you will be given access to our Members Only section where you will find the diet protocol (vegetarian & vegan Protocols available), recipes, weight loss tips and much more.
Can I split up my fruits and eat them when I want?

Is it okay to skip a meal or protein at one of my meals?
It is not recommended. It’s important to eat all of your 500 calories and especially your protein. If you are feeling full, it is recommended to split your meals up. Have your fruit for breakfast and as a snack instead of with your lunch or dinner.
Can vegetarians or vegans use HCG for weight loss?
Yes. Vegetarians and vegans can use HCG for weight loss. We offer a vegetarian and vegan protocol that’s available in the members only section with your purchase.
Can I complete the HCG program if I'm lactose intolerant?
Yes. The Diet protocol consists of proteins, fruits, vegetables, and very little starch. This will not interfere with being lactose intolerant. If you are a vegetarian there are different choices of protein other than dairy products.
Is salt permitted on the diet and in what quantity?
There is no limitation or restriction on salt intake. However, increased consumption of salt is one of the biggest causes of weight fluctuation and inconsistency due to water retention.
Can I drink wine or alcohol on the diet?
While on the protocol, you absolutely should NOT consume any alcohol. HCG Users whom have been drinkers or even those that are borderline alcoholic, do surprisingly well on the HCG diet. If the simple instructions are followed correctly, the HCG diet will get them out of their drinking routine. These Users have even said that they don’t even feel the need to drink while on the HCG diet because HCG works with the hypothalamus gland which controls the emotional eating/ drinking part of the brain, along with other aspects.
Is it necessary to Load for the first two days? (See Loading phase)
Yes. It takes three days for the HCG to fully enter your system and begin circulating your abnormal fat stores. Filling your fat reserves by ‘loading’ helps to prevent hunger during the first week of the protocol and plays an important role in your rapid weight loss.
What foods are recommended the first two days of loading? (see loading)
Consuming high fat foods is recommended. For example, whole milk, dairy products, pastries, pizza, fast foods, nuts, oils, etc.
What can I take for constipation
Smooth Move tea is great! We recommend using two teabags in an 8-12 oz glass of hot water.
Can I wear makeup?
You can use any mineral makeup or pressed powders and of course oil free foundations. Eye makeup such as eye shadow, mascara, eye liner, and lipstick are allowed. No lotions, moisturizers or liquid make-up with OIL. You can use mineral oil (baby oil) if needed as a moisturizer. HCG is very sensitive to oils, creams and fats. These could slow the weight loss process down. Stay away from lip glosses and Chapstick. If your lips get dry, you can use Carmex. See HCG Total Fat Loss Product List.
Is HCG safe?
Yes. HCG has been used medically since the late 1920′s and as a weight loss adjunct since the 1950′s. There have been no negative effects reported at the doses used for weight loss purposes.
Will I keep the weight off?
HCG resets the hypothalamus to prevent future weight gain, provided that a minimum of 23 days with a maximum of 45 days on the protocol has been completed. With your hypothalamus reset, your metabolism will be different and you will be able to eat moderately without feeling the need to overeat. Amongst the people who have tried this program, 75 to 90% have had hardly any or no difficulty keeping their new, ideal weight.
How long can I continue using HCG?
After 45 doses, the effectiveness diminishes due to the body’s ability to develop temporary immunity to the HCG. However, if necessary, subsequent courses of Phase 2 (Very Low Calorie Diet - VLCD) can be resumed after a 6 week stabilizing period. In some instances, 4 or more courses have been given with continued effectiveness if a 6-week interval has been allowed between them.
Can anyone use the HCG diet?
Although HCG is naturally produced only in pregnant women, as a diet aid it works the same for men and women young and old. You can use HCG if your BMI value is not lower than 20. Most people on this program report losing between 1 to 2 pounds per day, and claim it is the only program where they have been able to keep the weight off afterward. Always check with your doctor before beginning any new weight loss program. Do NOT use HCG if you are pregnant or nursing.
Is HCG safe for men?
The HCG used for the HCG weight loss protocol is actually already found in men. In fact, it is present in every human tissue, including males and non-pregnant women, as well as, pregnant woman. Men get even faster results and tend to lose more weight than women.
Are there benefits of HCG for obesity treatment?
Yes. The majority of clients report feelings of greater energy, better moods, balanced emotions, better sleep, clearer skin, fewer cravings, and more throughout the HCG treatment period. They do not report irritability or weakness. It has also been reported to relieve and often clear symptoms of diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, etc. Also, they notice a decrease in the size of their body circumferences. Not to mention, clothing starts to get loose and a very important remodeling of body contour is observed (due to the fact that HCG along with the diet decreases abnormal body fat better than any other obesity treatment).
Where is HCG Total Fat Loss manufactured?
Our homeopathic HCG is manufactured in an FDA registered laboratory in the United States. Authentic HCG only comes from within the United States. HCG Ultimate Fat Loss utilizes the highest standards to compliance protocols. In addition, we provide homeopathic remedies that are made with individual care using traditional methods. We implement high quality standards for the manufacturing of the remedies in strict accordance with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia of the United States (HPUS).
What is your return policy?
We offer a full 30-day 100% money back guarantee. Our clients have had phenomenal success therefore, we are in the unique position to offer this amazing program. We are extremely confident that we possess the best HCG formulation on the market and we completely stand behind our product in all areas. You have absolutely nothing to lose but pounds and inches! *Please refer to our 100% Money Back Guarantee Requirements on our website.

Customer Service:
Telephone: 1-800-796-1536
Monday - Friday: 9am - 6pm CST
Local Houston pickup (Copperfield/Katy) 281-948-2218
HCG in a nutshell
HCG Phases
HCG Abnormal fat
HCG Product Safe List
HCG Approved Salads